10:09 AM

Another Oscar Winner Scandal (No Naked Pictures Though)

I have a feeling Marion Cotillard is not so happy with her newly-found worldwide fame right about now, and for good reason, too. It's always interesting to note how once an actor or an actress becomes famous, all their past and previously expressed opinions become a strange kind of public property. And yes, we have to admit it – we all enjoy a good celebrity scandal, particularly when it comes to silly, controversial or downright stupid statements made by the said celebrity in more or less any circumstances involving their personal or professional life.

Charlize Theron was convinced Budapest is the capital of Turkey, remember? Well, that did not spark an international controversy, but it still helps illustrate the kind of things I'm talking about. If only Marion Cotillard had stuck to confusing European capitals, misspelling or mispronouncing names! The French Oscar winner was interviewed by a French website about a year ago, and at the moment no one really cared about her views on American history. But since now she's all famous and everything, her statements were dug up and presented as new by a French magazine, which brought them to the attention of the international press.

In short, Marion seems to believe the September 11th attacks were a cover-up and there were no plane-hijacking terrorists to begin with. Her words echo a conspiracy theory that has been circulating over the Internet for a long time now – but they are also taken out of context and made to sound much worse than they were originally. Here's a sample. "I think we're lied to about a number of things. We see other towers of the same kind being hit by planes. Are they burned? There [sic] was a tower, I believe it was in Spain, which burnt for 24 hours. It never collapsed. None of these towers collapsed. And there [in New York], in a few minutes, the whole thing collapsed", she is quoted as saying.

The fact is, Marion was talking about watching an Internet documentary in which those exact claims are made. I tend to believe she was just sharing a personal opinion in an informal context, but you must see how appealing this sounds - "French Oscar winner has anti-American views". If Marion has made these statements in good faith, they would make the ultimate scoop, but as things are, I personally believe we're dealing with some (admittedly reckless) statements taken out of context. As I was saying, fame comes at a price – and Marion is slowly starting to pay it. So, my suggestion for her would be to clear up this controversy by releasing a statement explaining what she really meant when she made those statements, and then... well, less "on record" talk and she'll be just fine.